/Products/Power Service/Power Service Diesel Bio-Kleen16oz

Power Service Diesel Bio-Kleen16oz

Product ID: PS 9016

Available Stock: 29 / EACH
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Bio Kleen Diesel Fuel Biocide kills microbes in diesel fuel. The dramatically reduced sulfur content in today’s cleaner burning fuels has created ideal opportunities for microbes to grow in fuel tanks. The first indication of microbial contamination is mucous-like accumulations on fuel-filters and increased requirements for fuel-filter replacement. The only way to get rid of microbial contamination is to kill the microbes with a biocide.

Dual-Phase – effective in both diesel fuel and water
Effective as a “quick-kill” biocide and for long-term diesel fuel maintenance
Kills microbes (bacteria and fungus) that grow in dispersed and free water associated with diesel fuels
Prevents fuel-filter plugging – helps prevent fuel system failures
Protects fuel system components against organic acids created by microbial growth – prevents fuel tank corrosion
Improves fuel performance
Reduces engine maintenance costs
Effective in all diesel fuels, including Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), biodiesel and biodiesel blends
Does not contain alcohol of any kind
Safe for use in all diesel engines
Will not void engine manufacturer's warranty when used as directed
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